I always knew and believed I was given Lupus for a reason.
From the beginning of my diagnoses 8 years ago I wanted to start a lupus
support group already, but due to this, that or the other reason I just didn’t
get to it
Finally 2 weeks ago
Algamdoelilaah with the koedrat and the hiedayah of The Almighty I did
it."Lupus Cape Town" up and running.May Allah Swt grant me the
strength and hiedayah to run this group to the best of my ability.Shukran/Thank
you to everyone who believes in me and who supported and who are still
supporting me in this endeavour. Meetings will be held the last Saturday of
every month at my place until we find a suitable venue. And the support group
is not just for lupies but for everyone who is interested learning more about lupus,
gout, arthritis, diabetes etc
May is Lupus awareness month
and I have decided to host a Ladies Lupus awareness evening.
Arrangements and sales of tickets are going very well