Thursday, 10 May 2012

Lupus awareness month

May is lupus Awareness month and today is World Lupus day.
I’m so touched to see the amount of support I’m getting from my family and friends.
The smallest gesture is so much appreciated. Just   by wearing something purple today or during this month or by posting something about lupus on their face book means so much to me and it is very
Much appreciated.
Lupus with all its negative effects did bring something positive in my life too.
I made so many friends “fellow lupies” through lupus support groups on face book.
We’re from all across the globe: from  South Africa to USA to Dubai .We might be from different
Religions, Cultures, Races and Ages but we all one” lupy” family cause we all have something in common LUPUS.
I want to thank everyone for supporting me in creating awareness.
May you all be blessed in abundance.